Share Everywhere - We Can't Be Silent


Things are getting to a point where we can't be silent any more. The stories on this page have to be shared.

Dr Richard Fleming has much to say

In 1994, Dr. Fleming presented to the American Heart Association his "theory" that cardiovascular disease was due to inflammation. What was theory in 1994 has become well known fact for decades and was highlighted in 2004, with a feature on ABC's 20/20 News.

Patent # 9566037 was issued to Dr. Fleming on February 14, 2017.
The Fleming Method patent (FMTVDM) covers ALL methods and devices able to measure metabolic and regional blood flow differences. This breakthrough made it possible to differentiate functionality of tissue, tissue types as well as non-tissue, and the measurement of treatment response using all isotopes, enhancing agents and devices capable of detecting and measuring isotopes.

Visit Dr Richard Fleming's Site Here.

THE EXPOSE - This Site Needs To Be Shared

VACCINE REVEALED, needs people to share their videos and information because it is a life and death matter.

They feature many qualified and experts in their feild that are speaking out about the dangers of the Vaccine Roll-out.

Please Share - VACCINE REVEALED COVID - Important Information

Some that are featued include: -
* Robert F Kennedy Jr., Attorney;
* Del Bigtree, Journalist-Activist;
* Dr. Zach Bush, Triple board-certified MD;
* Colton Hall, PharmD;
* John Stockton, NBA Hall Of Fame;
* Dr. Christiane Northrup, Women's Health Advocate;
* Dr. Ben Tapper, Chiropractor;
* Dr. Rashid Buttar, Emergency Medicine Specialist;
* Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Psychiatrist;
* Brian Hooker, Biologist Researcher;
* Andrew Wakefield, Former Physician/Activist,
* Mary Holland JD, Attorney;
* James Lyons-Weiler, Sr. Research Scientist;
* Tom O'Bryan, Functional Medicine.

Please join the site and share to all you can. You just don't know who you might save.


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