
The More You Investigate, The More You Realise - You Have Been Lied To!

The following points that are presented below have been collected from 15 different sources that show just deceitful the authorities have been in regards to Covid-19

These are all from a website, and are presented to help Austrialians to wake up. You can find more if you go to this link.

  1. Covid-19 is manufactured and patented: Dr Martin speaks with Reiner Fuellmich.
    Dr Martin uncovered over 120 patented pieces of evidence to suggest that the declaration of a 'novel' coronavirus was actually an entire "fallacy".
  2. The Warning - End mRNA Vaccines
    Warnings by thousands of Doctors and Medical Scientists and research studies on the mRNA Vax injuries have been ignored by Authorities globally. These Medical Specialists have publicly called out for a stop to the vaccines to no avail.
  3. Chronological order of significant global, Australian and SA data points leading up to the COVID-19 Pandemic. from 1900 until today.
    Historical lead-up and global events that led to the Pandemic.
  4. The Covid narritive "has all been a pack of lies" according to Pathologist, Dr Rodger Hodkinson.
    A pandenic of fear and scientific fraud has been put upon the world's population the last few years.
  5. Vaccine mandates are dangerous and deadly for our military.
    A Military Doctor puts her entire life and career on the line to protect the military from covid vaccination after witnessing a high presence of adverse reactions of Myocarditis and other detrimental side effects.
  6. Embalmers confirm shocking new type of clot found in almost every vaxxed deceased body.
    Board certified embalmer and funeral director, Richard Hirschman's discovery of bizarre and mysterious white clots pulled from sudden death of Covid-19 jabbed cadavers.
  7. The Hidden Hitchhikers in vaccines.
    Dr Carrie Madej discovered Hydra Vulgaris (Live parisite), nanobots and graphene in Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson Covid-19 Vaccines.
  8. Died Suddenly - A Must Watch documentary
    Died Suddenly - This is a must watch documentary on the pandemic's vaccine roll-out and dire collateral damage resulting in global genocide.
  9. Australia Stops COVID-19 Vaccines for under 30-year-olds due to risk of Myocarditis - But we dig deeper into the risks.
    The govermant has finally considered the severity of myocarditis and pericarditis that follow Covid-19 vaccinations in young people.
  10. Graphene oxide found in the Pfizer vaccine.
    Spanish scientists have concluded that the symptoms of "COVID-19" are in fact the symptom of graphene oxide poisoning, and that graphene oxide Nano-particles were discovered in some of the vaccines.
  11. Get the Facts on COVID Vaccines.
    For the first time in history, the Covid vaccine did not go through proper trials for 5-7 years as normally expected, and were not proven to be safe or effective prior to roll-out.
  12. Pilots experiencing sudden heart attacks after COVID vaccination.
    Pilots and cabin crew since the implementation of Covid-19 injections have been experiancing sudden heart attacks, strokes, vomiting over cockpit dashboard, collapsing without warning, Myocarditis and Pericarditis, placing pilots' and passengers' lives at risk.
  13. The truth is coming out: Is Covid-19 a bioweapon?
    Dr Fleming concludes that COVID-19 is a sinister bioweapon currently being used to kill people throughout the world, and to throw nations into disarray.
  14. World Class Athlets - over 1525 dropping like flies.
    By the end of 2022, over 1525 Athlets had dropped dead after their Covid-19 Vaccines. They are a small minority of the victims of SADS - Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
  15. Fauci - Dr Death.
    Faci is taken to task over his involvement in reversing the ban on Gain of Fuction Reseach, leading to a bio-weaponised version of Covid-19.

You can find more if you go to

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