Will Those Who Are Acting Corruptly Be Brought To Justice?

God's Justice May Seem Slow But Never Late

There is such corruption in America and other parts of the world that this situation can’t continue. The God of Abraham will not let such wickedness go unjudged. There are many people stating that in their understanding of the situation those in power who are acting corruptly will be replaced by those who honour justice and truth.

There are those who honour truth and justice that are working behind the scenes to bring down those acting unjustly. Derek Johnson who has a military background is one that is looking at what can be found on websites that the American Government put out that tells what is going on behind the scenes. He has a great number of YouTube posts that show that the good guys are making progress. - Check Out Derek's Posts HERE


Julie Green has been used to share many things that will encourage anyone that is seeking truth about what is happening in a world that seems to be falling apart. Her teaching and prophetic words are presented to show God is in control. The prophetic words that she shares has been shown to come true.

I will share some of the those that show that these words are coming to fulfillment. There are many videos that are designed to awaken the Church because it has allowed itself to be lulled into a week state.

Watch these prophesies of Julie Green that shares in these videos on a new page.


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