Doctors that are Offering Advice and Help
Dr Peter McCollouch has been treating many patients that have contracted COVID-19 with some success. His expertise has not been recognized in the general health arena but he does have very good credetials.
Hear him talk about why he is not recognized yet adds that his treatments are working.
Questions Covid with Dr. Al Johnson and Dr. Peter McCullough More recent information here. [This Video Has Been Withdrawn - Not Available]
Treatment protocol addresses the issues those who are currently recovering from COVID-19.
Wherever you are in the world the American Frontline Doctors can help you in find what you can do to avoid getting the "Shot". What you can do if you have already taken the "Shot", and how you can move forward.
Below are a number of links you can view to seek help and assistance.
How Do I Get COVID-19 Medication?
Simone Gold, MD, JD, FABEM, sits down with Dinesh D’Souza for a candid interview discussing the censored COVID-19 treatments.
View It Here
[This Interview Is Raw
Not Cut Into Sections]
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